DPB Fitness Area #7. Strongpoint Theinert Ranch: Magdalena, New Mexico
Completed August 15, 2022
Fitness Area #7 is up and running at Strongpoint Theinert Ranch (STR), located in Magdalena, New Mexico. This station took on a new form and is actually a four station-fitness area located on the ranch land that STR owns and operates.
“Strongpoint Theinert Ranch (STR) is a place where active and veteran military members, their families, and gold star families come together to strengthen themselves both physically and mentally, transition through life’s challenges, and reconnect with friends, family and most importantly themselves, as they bond over shared experiences and participate in a wide range of activities amongst the natural beauty of the scenic mountains and open prairies of New Mexico.” - STR
We were first introduced to the STR team through active Dawgpatch member, Jake Haugevik. After an initial zoom meeting between STR President, Jimbo Theinert, and Dawgpatch President, Drew Harvey, there was the obvious potential to have a more comprehensive fitness area on site for those taking part in the mental health retreats hosted at the ranch to utilize.
Due to the willingness of the STR team, the expansiveness of the ranch, and the fact that there already existed a pull-up bar & dip station on site, we saw the opportunity to expand this particular fitness station into something a bit more dynamic than our typical model. With the help of our resident architect and board member Dave Harvey, we came up with a four station-fitness area that kept a consistent grammar with the site, and brought in some ranch style lifts and movements.
Station 1. Tire Flip
Station 2. Atlas Stones // Sand Bags
Station 3. Timber Walk // Log Bar
Station 4. Push, Pull, Dip
Moving to the actual build of this station, the experience was unparalleled. As a part of each STR retreat there consists of a “work” day. During this day, veterans and staff taking part in the retreat will take on a project that benefits or adds to the ranch in some way. So for STR-15, the Dawgpatch Team had the opportunity to work directly with veterans on retreat and STR staff in the creation of this phenomenal station. Working together, living together and problem solving together to make this station come to life was truly an experience to be remembered.
To cap off the build week, a morning workout was performed using the finished station by Dawgpatch Members, STR staff, and veterans on retreat to mark a job complete. We have since learned that this fitness station build has been dubbed “The Dawg Patch.”
Learn more about Strongpoint Theinert Ranch here.