Paumanok Path: Mountain Bike

Rocky Point to Montauk Point

The Paumanok Path is a 125-mile long recreational trail that stretches from Rocky Point to Montauk Point.  This path ties into many other trails and forms the backbone of Suffolk County’s trail system. In April 2016 Southampton Trails Preservation Society closed the last gap in the trail’s route.

The path is home to globally rare natural communities; glacial kettles and erratics; rolling hills with panoramic vistas; parabolic dunes; coastal plain ponds; enchanting beech forests; laurel woods in bloom; fresh water marsh habitats; spectacular vistas of the Peconic Bay Estuary and tidal marshes; white Atlantic cedar swamps; dwarf pines, pitcher plants; painted turtles; fields of reindeer lichen; maritime grasslands; harbor seals; harrier hawks; olive hairstreak butterflies; cedar waxwings and more.  The Paumanok Path winds through Long Island’s most scenic and ecologically significant open spaces. - Long Island Trail Lovers Coalition

So after many years of hearing ghost stories of this allusive trail, Bandits: Drew Harvey and Nico McMahon took off on mountain bikes in an effort to complete the trail from start to finish in a single push. With two grueling days on the bikes and one night sleeping out on the trail the 125 mile long traverse was completed on April 12, 2022.

For any of those seeking to complete this trail. Bring your tick gear, lots of water and expect some long days. WOOF.


Peconic Paddle: Prone


Orient Point to Montauk Point: Bike