Orient Point to Montauk Point: Bike
Orient Point to Montauk Point
Jennifer Ferry designs and completes her first 100 Point Patch Challenge with a bicycle ride from Orient Point to Montauk Point. On October 31st, 2021 Jennifer took on this challenge with riding partner Drew Harvey for an unsupported completion of this natural point to point centennial ride. Dressed in Halloween garb and carrying a days worth of cliff bars and water, the duo departed from Orient Point at dawn and completed the 104 mile ride, finishing at Montauk Point Lighthouse before sundown.
A 100 Point Patch Challenge is based on the following criteria. Challenge completer’s will earn themselves, a Dawg-Patch in the mail and an immortal post on the Dawgpatch Bandits instagram of the challenge completed! If you are the first to pose a challenge and complete it, you get to name it!
Below is the criteria that your challenge must follow:
1) Must be a relatively straight line from a start location ‘A’ to an end location ‘B.’ POINT TO POINT. NO LOOPS. Think in terms of how the crow flies.
2) Challenge must use and be completed in the natural geography. NO GYMS, NO POOLS.
3) Challenge must be completed by self-powered means. Bicycling, Swimming, Running, or Paddling. NO MOTORS.
4) The Challenge can be one or any combination of running, swimming, bicycling or paddling, but must equal 100 points or more on the ‘Patch Point Scale.’
Patch Point Scale Totals (Mix and matching is encouraged to total 100 points.)
Bicycle: 100 miles = 100 points
Swim: 3 miles = 100 points
Run: 25 miles = 100 points
Prone Paddle: 15 miles = 100 points
Kayak and SUP: 25 miles = 100 points
Example: 50 mi bike + 1.5 mi swim = 100 points