Southold to Greenport Swim.
Southold to Greenport Swim
Dawgpatch is one step closer to finalizing its east end swim series with a 3.52 mi swim from Southold to Greenport completed on July 5th. Swimmers included seasoned veterans, Jeremy Grovsener, Spencer Schneider, Caite Kappel, Nico McMahon and Drew Harvey.
Beginning at 5 AM the team of five swimmers started from the mouth of Town Creek in Southold, escorted by two support boats. Swimming east across Southold Bay towards Conkling Point, the crew knew the outgoing current would pick up as the channel narrowed. With little less than a 1/2 mile between Conkling Point (North Fork) and Jennings Point (Shelter Island) and a maximum depth of 91 feet in between, the swimmers stuck tight around Conkling Point and entered into Pipes Cove, just north of the active boating channel. Continuing east the swimmers pushed towards Fanning Point in Greenport for the final leg of the swim. Continuously navigating currents, the lead group of swimmers, Grovsenor, Kappel and Schneider made landfall on the east side of Fanning Point at approximately 6:35 AM, followed by swimmers Harvey and McMahon at approximately 6:48 AM.
The lead boat was captained by Dave Harvey, joined by Dawgpatch Lifeguard Chuck Partellow. The trail boat was captained by Jennifer Ferry, joined by spotters Dawn Harvey and Mark Williams.