East End Swim Series

The East End Swim Series is a series of swims designed and executed by Dawgpatch Bandits Inc. across all of the major bays on the East End of Long Island, NY. It is every swim crossing you have mentioned off hand with your friends around the bonfire and on the lifeguard stand. It is the swim series no one thought to actually do, but that has now been done in its entirety. The completion of this series lets you say “I’ve swam this,” next time you are on a boat anywhere between the North and South Forks of Eastern Long Island.

Th East End Swim Series is directly inspired by our late friend and mentor Mike Semkus. The full list of swims (15) are found below in order of completion with links to write ups. These swims were done by a variety of Dawgpatch athletes over the course of 7 years. Your turn.


Q&A Series #4 with Spencer Schneider
